The first 3 episodes of The Mothertree Podcast are being UNCAGED.
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“We come to the mothertree to drink, to heal, to empower, and to reconnect the truth of our wombs, and womanhood. 

It is my prayer for this podcast to restore womb lineage and language through conversations of remembrance, reclamation of our feminine physiology, a return to body literacy, and our regenerative sexual and reproductive capacity. “The Mothertree” is here to empower women at all stages of life in the knowing that something so much more is possible.”

“Women and the Womb are the ORIGIN of life. As such we must care for this.”

-Alexandra Durigan, RN BSN, Founder of ORIGIN Pelvic Care + Host of The Mothertree Podcast

Melt into the UNCAGED episodes

all for your womanhood

In this episode, we will explore what our regenerative feminine capacity is, what it is to truly tune into this part of our potential, and how vital it is at this time that we as women remember the original and inherent regenerative capacity within our womb, tissues, and womanhood.

In this episode, we will discover what it is to know in our bodies and tissues that endings, decay, and decomposition are the fertile birthing ground to life and our next becoming, and how to harness this wisdom by inhabiting ourselves in our bodies as Woman and Mother.

In this episode, we will delve into what it is to be a Well Watered Woman. For so many of us the idea of living “well watered” can feel new. I find it to be an essential inquiry for all women both philosophically and physiologically. When we tune into what waters us, our nature, and our sense of self, we begin to tap into what waters our bodies, our pleasure, our sexuality, and our lives.

Creator & Host

Alexandra Durigan

Alexandra Durigan is an RN BSN who originally worked on a Women’s Specialty Unit. During this time Alexandra was a first hand witness to the skyrocketing rates of pelvic disorders, reproductive surgeries, and the health outcomes that take place when there is a lack of true care for women's bodies.

Alexandra began to ask the question of “how did we get here”, and set off on a path to discovering “more for our womanhood”. 

Alexandra’s passion for women’s health led her to the historical and cultural exploration and resurrection of original women’s care. She left Allopathic Care to found her practice ORIGIN Pelvic Care which is hands on ceremonial pelvic care in service to women and the womb, the origin of life. 

Alexandra’s work through ORIGIN Pelvic Care serves women in the realms of Sexuality and Pleasure, Reproductive Health, and The Birth Continuum. 

Alexandra believes in hearing the body not as symptom, but as story, and that through right listening, touch, and tending we can cultivate regenerative repair in our sexual and reproductive bodies throughout the wholeness of our womanhood. Alexandra shares that “it is not only important and transformational on the individual level but essential to our world itself to more greatly care for our women and their wombs”.